Why One Should Vote for BJP in the 2024 Jammu & Kashmir Vidhan Sabha Elections


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The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has played a significant role in shaping the political and social landscape of India, particularly in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). With the upcoming 2024 Vidhan Sabha elections, voters in J&K have the opportunity to reflect on the achievements and promises of the BJP and make an informed decision. In this article, we explore why BJP could be a strong contender in the upcoming elections, considering its track record in governance, development, national security, and its stance on critical issues such as Article 370 and Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK).

Abrogation of Article 370: A Historic Move

One of the most significant political milestones achieved by the BJP in recent years is the abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019. This article granted special status to J&K, allowing it to have its own constitution and decision-making power in most areas, except for defense, communications, and foreign affairs.


The BJP government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi argued that Article 370 hindered the region’s full integration with the rest of India and was a roadblock to development. Its removal was portrayed as a step toward ensuring equal rights, laws, and opportunities for the people of J&K. Since the abrogation, the region has seen several reforms aimed at improving its economy, infrastructure, and governance. Voting for BJP could mean endorsing this decision and supporting the further integration and development of the region.

Focus on Development and Infrastructure

J&K has historically faced challenges in terms of development, lagging behind other states in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. The BJP government has emphasized that with the removal of Article 370, the region can now fully benefit from the central government’s schemes and development projects.


In recent years, there has been increased investment in building roads, bridges, and highways in J&K. The BJP has promised more investments in education, healthcare, and job creation to boost the economy of the region. By voting for BJP, residents may continue to see this developmental focus, which is essential for creating long-term stability and prosperity in the region.

National Security and Tackling Terrorism

National security has always been a key pillar of the BJP’s agenda, and it resonates strongly with voters in J&K. The region has been a hotbed of terrorism and insurgency for decades, often fueled by external actors from Pakistan and PoK. The BJP has taken a hardline stance on terrorism and cross-border militancy, with actions such as the Balakot airstrikes being a prime example of its firm response to threats.

The BJP has promised to continue its efforts to eliminate terrorism and ensure that the people of J&K can live in peace and security. Their approach has included tightening security measures, conducting anti-terror operations, and diplomatically isolating Pakistan on the international stage for supporting terrorism. For voters who prioritize peace and security, the BJP’s policies may offer a reassuring choice.

Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Territorial Integrity

The BJP has made it clear that PoK is an integral part of India and should be reclaimed. The party has consistently highlighted the issue of PoK in international forums, demanding Pakistan’s withdrawal from the illegally occupied territory. The BJP’s firm stance on territorial integrity appeals to voters who believe in a strong, united India.

In the run-up to the 2024 elections, the BJP is likely to continue focusing on the issue of PoK and its importance to India’s sovereignty. Voting for the BJP would mean supporting this vision and the long-term goal of reintegrating PoK with India. For nationalistic voters, this could be a compelling reason to vote for the party.

Stability and Strong Leadership

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, the BJP has positioned itself as a party that brings stability and strong decision-making to the table. Their leadership has been particularly visible in J&K, where difficult decisions like the abrogation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the state into two Union Territories were made.

The BJP argues that a stable and strong government is essential for ensuring the long-term development of J&K, tackling its complex issues, and moving forward with a unified vision. In contrast to regional parties, which often focus on local issues or have more limited influence at the national level, the BJP presents itself as a party that can offer both regional and national stability.


The 2024 Vidhan Sabha elections in J&K come at a critical juncture in the region’s history. The abrogation of Article 370 has opened new possibilities for development, security, and integration. The BJP’s strong stance on issues like national security, terrorism, PoK, and development resonates with many voters in the region who seek stability, peace, and prosperity.

By voting for BJP, the people of J&K have the opportunity to continue on the path of integration with the rest of India, ensuring that the region benefits from national-level policies, economic growth, and enhanced security. With its focus on territorial integrity, firm leadership, and development, the BJP presents a case for why it should be the party of choice in the upcoming elections

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