India, one of the world’s largest democracies, has always believed in the value of peace and stability not just within its borders but across the globe. Over the years, the Indian Army has become one of the most important contributors to international peacekeeping missions. Their efforts in maintaining peace in conflict zones around the world reflect India’s commitment to promoting peace, democracy, and cooperation among nations.
India’s Commitment to Peacekeeping
India has always stood by the principles of the United Nations (UN) and has played a key role in supporting the global vision of peacekeeping. The United Nations, since its inception, has been engaged in various peacekeeping operations aimed at preventing wars, stabilizing post-conflict countries, and ensuring human rights are respected. As a member of the UN, India has actively participated in these efforts, with the Indian Army playing a crucial role in keeping the peace in several war-torn areas.

A Rich History in Peacekeeping Missions
India’s involvement in peacekeeping missions began in 1950 when the Indian Army was first deployed to Korea as part of a UN peacekeeping mission. Since then, India has continuously supported peace efforts, sending its forces to some of the most dangerous and unstable regions of the world. Indian troops have participated in over 50 UN peacekeeping missions in more than 40 countries, including places like Congo, Lebanon, South Sudan, and Sierra Leone.
In these missions, the Indian Army has gained a reputation for professionalism, courage, and dedication to duty. The soldiers are trained not only in combat but also in conflict resolution, negotiation, and humanitarian aid, making them effective in areas that require both military and civilian skills.
Role of the Indian Army in Peacekeeping Missions
The Indian Army’s role in peacekeeping missions can be divided into several key areas:
- Maintaining Law and Order One of the primary duties of peacekeepers is to ensure that peace is maintained in regions that are prone to violence or conflict. The Indian Army often finds itself in areas where there is civil unrest, ethnic violence, or after a war has ended. Indian soldiers help maintain law and order by patrolling the areas, protecting civilians, and preventing any further outbreak of violence. Their presence gives the local people a sense of security and allows for peacebuilding efforts to take root.
- Humanitarian Aid and Relief In many conflict zones, people often suffer from lack of basic necessities like food, water, and medical assistance. The Indian Army has been actively involved in providing humanitarian aid to people affected by war, natural disasters, or other emergencies. Indian peacekeepers not only secure the area but also help in distributing food, medicines, and other essential supplies to civilians. This aspect of their work helps restore normalcy in war-torn regions and supports recovery and rebuilding efforts.
- Disarmament and Demobilization After a conflict ends, one of the biggest challenges is the disarmament and demobilization of armed groups. The Indian Army, with its experience and knowledge, plays an important role in supporting these processes. Peacekeepers help collect and destroy weapons, demobilize fighters, and encourage them to reintegrate into civilian life. This is critical to reducing the chances of renewed violence and helping the country transition to a peaceful and stable future.
- Building Trust and Facilitating Dialogue Often, conflicts are deeply rooted in historical, ethnic, or political divisions. Indian peacekeepers are trained to build trust between different groups and encourage dialogue. They work to bridge the gap between opposing factions, helping them find common ground. This is not just a military operation but a diplomatic effort as well, where Indian soldiers play the role of neutral mediators. By fostering trust and understanding, they contribute to the long-term peace process in these regions.
- Training Local Forces The Indian Army also plays a crucial role in training local military and police forces in the areas where they are deployed. The Indian Army provides training in everything from basic military skills to peacekeeping tactics, human rights, and international law. By strengthening local forces, they help ensure that once the peacekeepers leave, the country can continue to maintain peace and security on its own.
- Providing Security for Elections and Democracy In post-conflict regions, organizing free and fair elections is essential to building a stable government. The Indian Army has often been called upon to provide security during elections in countries like Haiti, Cambodia, and East Timor. Indian peacekeepers ensure that citizens can vote without fear of violence or intimidation. Their role in protecting the electoral process helps build confidence in the democratic institutions of the country.
- Engagement in Conflict Resolution Peacekeeping is not just about armed forces, but also about diplomacy. Indian soldiers have often worked with diplomats, NGOs, and other international organizations to resolve conflicts and promote peace. The Indian Army has experience in working with diverse groups in highly sensitive environments, which allows them to handle delicate peace processes with patience and skill.

Achievements of the Indian Army in Peacekeeping Missions
The Indian Army’s contributions to peacekeeping have not gone unnoticed. Over the years, Indian peacekeepers have earned praise for their professionalism, discipline, and dedication. Their presence has helped reduce violence, protect civilians, and support the rebuilding of societies that have been torn apart by conflict. Indian peacekeepers are known for their excellent training and ability to work in difficult and dangerous environments.
One of the notable achievements of the Indian Army in peacekeeping is their role in Sri Lanka. During the Sri Lankan Civil War, India sent peacekeeping forces as part of the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord in 1987. While this mission faced challenges, it was an important effort to maintain peace in a region affected by severe ethnic tensions.
The Indian Army’s efforts in Africa, particularly in Congo and Sudan, are also remarkable. In these countries, Indian troops have been involved in protecting civilians, securing areas, and supporting the development of local security forces. Their efforts have played a vital role in the stabilization of these nations, helping them take steps toward long-term peace.
Challenges Faced by Indian Peacekeepers
While the Indian Army has been successful in many of its missions, peacekeeping is never without its challenges. The environments in which Indian soldiers operate are often hostile and dangerous. Conflict zones are filled with uncertainty, and peacekeepers sometimes face threats from militant groups, armed factions, or unstable governments. In addition, the lack of sufficient resources and coordination between international agencies can sometimes hinder their ability to achieve the desired peace.
Furthermore, peacekeepers often have to deal with complex political situations. Different factions may have conflicting interests, and gaining their trust can take time. Despite these challenges, the Indian Army continues to carry out its mission with resilience and determination.

Conclusion: Role of the Indian Army
The role of the Indian Army in peacekeeping missions abroad has been immense and deeply impactful. Through their efforts, they have not only helped maintain peace but also supported countries in their journey towards rebuilding and development. India’s contribution to global peacekeeping showcases its commitment to peace and cooperation in the international community.
The Indian Army’s professionalism, dedication, and ability to work in complex environments have earned them respect and recognition worldwide. As global peace and stability continue to be essential for the progress of humanity, the Indian Army remains a key player in these efforts. Their role in peacekeeping serves as a testament to the power of cooperation, understanding, and the shared responsibility of maintaining peace in the world.
India’s continued support for peacekeeping missions is a source of pride for the country and offers hope to nations around the world that peace, no matter how difficult, is always worth striving for.