Is India’s Housing Market- A Scam or Reality?

Is India's Housing Market A- Scam or Reality - Nishant Verma

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Introduction: The Illusion of Supply and Demand

In any standard economics textbook, the principle is clear: an increase in supply should lead to a decrease in prices. Yet, in the Indian housing market, this fundamental logic seems to have been turned on its head. Despite a glut of properties, real estate prices are soaring to unprecedented heights, making homeownership a distant dream for the average middle-class family. What’s really going on in the Indian property market?

The Housing Bubble: More Supply, Higher Prices?

In a truly competitive market, the abundance of available properties would naturally drive prices down. However, the reality on the ground in India tells a different story. The real estate sector is witnessing an alarming trend where, regardless of the surplus in supply, property prices remain prohibitively high. This anomaly begs the question: are the laws of economics defunct, or is there a more sinister explanation in the Indian real estate market?

The Hidden Hand_ A Manipulative Minority - Nishant Verma

The Hidden Hand: A Manipulative Minority

When you delve deeper, a disturbing pattern emerges in the Indian real estate market. A small, powerful community, constituting just 5-10% of the market, appears to wield disproportionate control over property prices. This elite group, flush with funds, seems to engage in sophisticated manipulative practices, artificially inflating property values and creating a false facade of high demand. These practices not only distort the housing market but also systematically exclude millions of aspiring homeowners.

This manipulative minority leverages various tactics to maintain their dominance. They often buy properties in bulk, driving up demand artificially. Subsequently, they release these properties at inflated prices, making it difficult for average buyers to afford homes. Moreover, they influence policy decisions and urban development plans, ensuring that their interests are always prioritized. The result is a market that favors the wealthy and marginalizes the middle and lower-income groups, pushing the dream of homeownership further out of reach for many Indians.

The long-term implications of this manipulation are profound. It contributes to the housing affordability crisis, increases economic inequality, and hampers social mobility. As property prices soar, rent prices also escalate, putting additional financial strain on those who cannot afford to buy homes. Addressing this issue requires stringent regulatory measures, greater transparency in real estate transactions, and policies aimed at curbing speculative investments. Only then can the Indian real estate market become more equitable and accessible for all.

Window Dressing and Price Rigging - Nishant Verma

Window Dressing and Price Rigging

How is this manipulation achieved in the Indian property market? Through a practice known as ‘window dressing,’ where these market players collude to maintain high prices despite ample supply. By hoarding properties, controlling listings, and using a network of intermediaries, they create a false impression of scarcity. This intentional price rigging not only undermines market dynamics but also fuels speculative investments, driving real estate prices further out of reach for genuine buyers in India.

The Impact on Middle-Class Aspirations

The consequences of this corrupt manipulation are devastating. For the vast majority of India’s middle-class families, owning a home remains an unattainable goal. Despite their hard-earned savings and aspirations, they find themselves priced out of the real estate market. The dream of having a secure and stable home is shattered, replaced by the harsh reality of soaring EMIs and perpetual renting. The inflated property prices have made it nearly impossible for middle-class Indians to afford their own homes.

Demand Transparency and Fairness - Nishant Verma
Demand Transparency and Fairness

This exploitation cannot continue unchecked. It is imperative for policymakers, regulatory bodies, and the public to recognize and address this blatant market distortion in the Indian real estate sector. Greater transparency, stricter regulations, and enhanced accountability are crucial to dismantling this cartel-like control. Only through collective action can we hope to restore fairness in the real estate market and make homeownership a viable option for all in India.

Conclusion: Breaking the Chains of Manipulation

The current state of India’s real estate market is a stark reminder of how unchecked power and greed can distort an entire sector. It is a wake-up call for everyone involved-from government officials to ordinary citizens, to demand a fairer, more transparent market. The dream of owning a home should not be a privilege of the few but a right accessible to all. Let’s break the chains of manipulation and reclaim the real estate market for the common good. Together, we can bring about the change needed to ensure affordable housing for all in India.

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