Be Aware of Fake Motivational Speakers and Courses

Be aware of Fake Motivational Speakers and Courses - Nishant Verma

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Watch out for expensive motivational speakers and courses. Have you ever seen those posts online where people promise to change your life but ask for a lot of money? Or have you ever wondered why some people are always motivated while others struggle to feel the same way? Figuring out how to motivate yourself is a personal journey that usually comes from inside you, not from outside sources.

But the question remains – are these Pricey motivational courses truly worth the investment? So, in this questioning, let’s solve the mask of the booming online motivation industry, questioning whether it’s a genuine trigger for personal growth or merely a hangover.

Motivation Hangover or Inner Awakening

Motivation, a term thrown around in countless self-help courses, seminars, and webinars, is often praised as the medicine for success. But is it something that can be packaged and marketed? The truth is motivation is not a thing that one can purchase; it’s a journey that commences with self-realization and an awareness of one’s inner self. No consultancy or online course can replace the power of simple introspection and self-discovery. It’s time to question the need for external validation in search of motivation. 

Disclosing the So-Called Motivational Speakers

In an era dominated by social media, self-proclaimed inspirational speakers flood our feeds with inspirational quotes and success stories. However, behind the charismatic mask lies a darker truth. Many of these inspirational speakers, who claim to be motivators, are mere faces with no substance. Charging excessive fees in the name of motivation, they often resort to shady practices. While publicly swearing free consultancy behind closed doors, these motivational speakers market their pricey courses through schemes similar to network marketing. It’s a tricky game that preys on the exposure of those seeking inspiration.

Disclosing the So-Called Motivational Speakers - Nishant Verma

The Art of Bread and Butter

We know it’s important for people to work and earn money, and it’s fair to praise those who truly help society. But when it comes to so-called best motivational speakers, there’s a trap. While some genuinely inspire, many are taking advantage of people’s trust. It’s like a tricky balance between understanding that people need to make a living and wondering if it’s right to sell motivation like a product. Some inspirational speakers are really good, but others might not be as honest. So, it’s essential to think about whether it’s fair to make money by selling motivation and if the speakers are truly helping or just trying to profit.

Motivational Speakers Turned Motivational Merchants

Two famous YouTubers known for motivating people have taken a different path. They’ve become sellers of motivation, offering expensive motivational courses and suggesting a different way to succeed in business. On their websites, they’re selling high-priced images to give a false sense of value. This seems like a bubble of motivation that might not last. People who were once inspired by their videos may now be paying a lot for courses and products that may not deliver what they promise. It’s important to be cautious and not get caught up in the fanfare.

Inspirational Speakers or Scammers

In the world of motivational speakers, a stark truth appears as many market courses masquerading as motivation with unreasonable price tags that lack market value. Alarming is the disclosure that such transactions may breach RBI regulations, potentially violating the law. Youngsters, eager for success, fall target to loans to finance these seemingly transformative seminars. Adding to the show, some claim to offer an MBA in just ten days, an unwilling promise that raises questions about lawfulness and legality. Beyond the financial exploitation, the surface of societal goodwill masks what appears to be nothing more than a scam, prompting a critical examination of whether these efforts truly inspire or simply deceive.

What Motivational Courses Should Offer

Motivational courses should be for everyone, i.e., accessibility to all, no matter how much money they have. If these motivational seminars cost a lot, it goes against the idea of helping everyone become their best. It makes us wonder if the inspirational speakers really want to help everyone or just the rich.

Speakers should be clear about why they’re doing these courses and what they want people to achieve. If they truly want to help, they should be honest. It makes us doubt if they’re being real if they’re unclear.

So, inspirational courses should be affordable for everyone, and the speakers should be open about why they’re doing it. That’s the real deal for motivation! 

The Reality Check

Motivation comes from inside ourselves, they say. Think about India, a place with lots of culture. Long ago, there was a special place called Nalanda where smart people from all over the world came to learn. That shows real knowledge is for everyone. 

Now, here’s the reality check. Some inhabitants sell motivation like it’s a thing you can buy. But look at our history, like Nalanda. It tells us true learning is about exploring and understanding, not just feeling pumped up.

So, when you hear those big talkers selling motivation, remember. Our real strength is in our discovery and love for learning. That’s way better than what those sellers are offering. Let our culture guide us, not just fancy speeches—time to see the difference between true inspiration and the fake stuff they’re selling.


In a world full of people who say they can make you feel motivated, it’s important to be smart about it. Some are good at lifting you, but watch out for those who just want your money. The best motivation comes from inside you, not from some pricey motivational courses. Don’t get trapped by fancy promises—find the real truth behind all the motivational talk.

So, before you spend your money on a motivational course, ask yourself: Do I already have what I need to feel motivated? Or am I falling for the idea that someone else can give it to me? Listen to your thoughts because real motivation is something you can’t buy or sell. It’s inside you, and that’s worth more than anything you can pay for. 

Disclaimer – This article aims to provide a reality check and present accurate information sourced from news, media channels, social media, and videos. It is not intended to hurt anyone’s feelings or promote controversy. The content is based on publicly available information, and any similarity to individuals or events is coincidental. We aim to maintain accuracy and objectivity, encouraging readers to form their own opinions. The intention is to inform and not to offend. If any aspect appears biased, please approach it with an open mind, and feel free to cross-reference with various sources for a complete understanding.

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