Arunabh Kumar: A Visionary Entrepreneur and the Man Behind TVF’s Success

Arunabh Kumar A Visionary Entrepreneur and the Man Behind TVF - Nishant Verma

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In the dynamic world of digital entertainment, Arunabh Kumar has emerged as a trailblazer, leaving an indelible mark with his innovative approach to content creation. As the founder of The Viral Fever (TVF), Kumar has played a pivotal role in revolutionizing the way audiences consume online content. This article delves into the life, journey, and achievements of Arunabh Kumar, offering a comprehensive overview of his personal and professional endeavors.

Early Life and Education

Arunabh Kumar, born on November 26, 1982, in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India, grew up in a regular middle-class family. Even as a kid, he loved telling stories. His early schooling happened right in his hometown, where he not only did well in his studies but also actively took part in other fun activities. Later on, he decided to study Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP), a famous college known for having some of the smartest students in India. This step marked the beginning of his journey towards achieving his dreams.

The Spark of Entrepreneurship

Once he finished his engineering studies, he tried out working in a regular office job for a little while. But something inside him pulled him toward starting his own thing – being an entrepreneur. With a strong vision to change how people enjoy entertainment, he took a brave step and started The Viral Fever in 2010. This move was like him saying, “I’m going to do something different, something that hasn’t been done before,” and that’s how his journey into the world of entertainment began.

The Viral Fever (TVF)

  • Inception and Early Struggles

TVF began as a YouTube channel, aiming to create content that resonated with the young, internet-savvy audience. His vision was clear – to produce high-quality, relatable content that could challenge the traditional norms of Indian television. However, the initial journey was far from smooth. Financial constraints, coupled with the skepticism surrounding the viability of web-based content, posed significant challenges.

  • Landmark Series:

Despite the hurdles, TVF’s breakthrough came with the web series “Permanent Roommates” in 2014. The show garnered widespread acclaim for its fresh storytelling, realistic characters, and ability to connect with the millennial audience. This success marked a turning point for TVF, establishing it as a pioneer in the digital content space.

  • Expansion and Diversification:

Under His leadership, TVF expanded its repertoire to include a diverse range of content, from sketch comedies to drama series. Notable productions like “Pitchers,” “Tripling,” and “Kota Factory” further solidified TVF’s position as a content powerhouse, attracting millions of viewers across the globe.

Challenges and Controversies

Arunabh Kumar’s path has had some tough moments. In 2017, there were serious accusations of him behaving badly, and it caused a lot of people to be upset. This whole situation made him and the company really think about what they were doing. Even though Arunabh said he didn’t do anything wrong, the controversy made everyone realize that being in the public eye comes with a lot of difficulties. It was like a big warning sign for both him and the organization, showing them that they needed to be careful and responsible in everything they do.

The Personal Side of Arunabh Kumar

  • Family and Relationships:

He is known to keep his personal life relatively private. Born into a close-knit family, he has acknowledged the support and encouragement he received from his parents during the formative years of his career. Details about his current family life remain scarce, as he tends to maintain a low profile when it comes to personal matters.

  • Passions and Hobbies:

Beyond his professional commitments, Kumar has expressed a love for literature, cinema, and storytelling. His eclectic taste in content is reflected in TVF’s diverse offerings, showcasing a blend of humor, drama, and social commentary.

Legacy and Impact

Arunabh Kumar’s impact on the Indian entertainment industry cannot be overstated. By challenging the conventional norms of television and embracing the digital medium, he paved the way for a new era of content creation. TVF’s success story has inspired a generation of aspiring filmmakers and content creators to explore the limitless possibilities of online platforms.


In the world of online shows and videos, Arunabh Kumar is like a captain steering a ship into uncharted waters. He’s a really smart entrepreneur who didn’t just follow the usual path but dreamed much bigger. Starting from a small town in Bihar, he now leads one of India’s most important digital content companies. This shows how strong and creative he is. Even though some tough times in his life got people talking, Arunabh Kumar’s work in creating online content is a big deal. He’s still working hard to change how we enjoy entertainment, and his story is like a guide for those who want to do things differently and invent new stuff.

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