Who Truly Weakened India’s Traditional Roots: The Mughals, the British, or the Congress?


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For centuries, India stood as a beacon of rich cultural heritage, diverse traditions, and strong religious foundations, primarily rooted in Hindu and Sanatan Dharma. But as we reflect on the events that have shaped the present-day ethos of our country, a pressing question arises: Who has done the most damage to India’s cultural and traditional values? Was it the Mughals who ruled for over 500 years, the British for 200 years, or the Congress party in its 70-year tenure?

Undoubtedly, Mughals invaded, plundered, and imposed their culture on Indian society. The British, on the other hand, colonized and systematically drained the country’s wealth, leaving scars that still linger. Yet, the damage inflicted by both pales in comparison to the systemic erosion of values and weakening of the country’s cultural foundation that Congress has orchestrated over the last seven decades.

How Did Congress Weaken the Roots of India’s Education System?

One of the most critical ways Congress has damaged India’s cultural fabric is through the education system. The current curriculum, designed during Congress’s rule, glorifies Mughal invaders like Babur, Akbar, and Aurangzeb while sidelining the contributions of great Hindu emperors like Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, and the Vijayanagara Empire.

The deliberate choice to highlight the so-called “benevolence” of Mughal rulers while painting Hindu kings as mere rebels is no accident. By doing so, Congress ensured that generations of Indian students grew up learning a skewed version of history, one that undermines their own heritage and erases the contributions of their ancestors.


Furthermore, the true heroes of India’s freedom struggle remain largely unsung. Figures like Veer Savarkar, Bhagat Singh, and Subhas Chandra Bose are either underplayed or absent altogether in the national curriculum. Instead, Congress has strategically positioned the Nehru-Gandhi family as the sole torchbearers of India’s independence, marginalizing those who actually fought and sacrificed their lives for the nation’s freedom.

Is Congress Guilty of Promoting Division and Love Jihad?

The question of Congress’s role in dividing the nation has been a contentious topic. Many argue that the party’s deliberate focus on minority appeasement has sown seeds of division among communities. Congress’s secularism often translates into selective favoritism towards one particular community—Muslims—creating a divide between Hindus and Muslims.


The party’s policies and rhetoric have been accused of promoting the agenda of “Love Jihad”—a term used to describe an alleged campaign by Muslim men to convert non-Muslim women to Islam by feigning love. While there is no official recognition of this term, many cases across India reflect a pattern that cannot be ignored. Congress’s silence and reluctance to acknowledge this issue, however, raises serious questions about its intent. By ignoring or downplaying these concerns, Congress has effectively turned a blind eye to an agenda that threatens the fabric of Indian society.

How Has Congress Used Religion as a Political Tool?

If there’s one thing Congress has mastered, it’s the art of vote bank politics. The party has skillfully leveraged religion as a political tool, catering to the Muslim community in the name of secularism while disregarding the sentiments of Hindus, who form the majority of the population.

Take, for instance, the Shah Bano case in the 1980s, where Congress overturned a Supreme Court verdict granting maintenance to a divorced Muslim woman under pressure from the Muslim clergy. This move not only highlighted Congress’s willingness to prioritize its vote bank over the judiciary but also established a precedent that Islamic laws would supersede civil laws for the Muslim community. Similarly, Congress’s refusal to address the issue of triple talaq for decades reflected its commitment to safeguarding its vote bank rather than empowering Muslim women.

These instances reflect Congress’s hypocrisy. On one hand, they speak about women’s rights and empowerment; on the other, they refuse to intervene in issues that are detrimental to the rights of Muslim women. This is not secularism—this is the selective application of laws to appease one community while disregarding the interests of others.

Is Congress Complicit in Hinduphobia?

The systematic sidelining of Hindu traditions, festivals, and practices under Congress’s rule is evident in various policies and regulations. From restrictions on Diwali fireworks to downplaying the significance of Hindu festivals in public institutions, the party’s subtle yet consistent attempts to erase the presence of Hinduism in the public sphere have not gone unnoticed.

In the name of secularism, Congress has encouraged the erosion of Hindu values and promoted Hinduphobia. By portraying Hindus as intolerant or regressive, the party has contributed to the stigmatization of the community in the eyes of the world. Even in cases where Hindus have been targeted, Congress has often chosen silence over condemnation, revealing its true stance.

Did Congress Truly Serve the Nation, or Itself?

Congress’s legacy is fraught with controversies and corruption, but perhaps its biggest disservice to the nation lies in its betrayal of India’s cultural and traditional values. By prioritizing vote bank politics over national unity, promoting divisive narratives, and distorting history to serve its own agenda, Congress has systematically weakened the country’s cultural roots.


The Congress party’s refusal to acknowledge the existence of a Hindu civilization before the advent of foreign invaders is another attempt to sever the link between modern India and its glorious past. The glorification of foreign rulers who invaded, looted, and oppressed the land and its people has been done at the expense of the real heroes of the nation.

Conclusion: Is Congress the Real Culprit?

In conclusion, while the Mughals and British undoubtedly left their mark on India’s cultural and traditional landscape, it is Congress that has inflicted the most insidious damage over the last 70 years. By manipulating history, dividing communities, and promoting narratives that undermine India’s cultural ethos, Congress has done what neither the Mughals in 500 years nor the British in 200 could achieve: systematically weakening the roots of Indian culture and traditions.

It is high time for the citizens of India to recognize the hypocrisy of the Congress party and reclaim the narrative of our history, culture, and traditions. We must question the intent behind their policies and demand an education system that tells the true story of India—a story where Hindu kings and actual freedom fighters are given the respect and recognition they deserve. Because only then can we hope to rebuild what has been lost.

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