Just Another Political Drama: Papu

Just Another Political Drama - Papu - Nishant Verma

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In yet another desperate attempt to reclaim relevance in Indian politics, the Congress party has launched a grandiose-sounding “100-day Samvidhan Raksha” (Constitution Protection) campaign in Delhi. This initiative, draped in the noble cause of safeguarding the Indian Constitution, appears on the surface to be a virtuous crusade. However, when one peels back the layers of this so-called mission, it reeks of hypocrisy, political opportunism, and a blatant attempt to discredit the current government.

The party, which claims to be the protector of the Constitution, is ironically the same party that has repeatedly violated the spirit of democracy and constitutional propriety since India’s independence. This latest stunt seems more like an overdramatized act to mislead the public rather than a sincere effort to uphold constitutional values.

Congress’s Disregard for the Constitution: A History of Abuse

To fully grasp the irony of Congress’s newfound zeal for “protecting” the Constitution, one must revisit its past. The party’s track record is marred with instances where it showed little to no respect for the very document it now pretends to champion.

Perhaps the most glaring example of Congress’s disdain for constitutional norms is the imposition of the Emergency in 1975. Declared by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the Emergency was a dark chapter in Indian history, where democratic rights were suspended, freedom of the press was curtailed, and thousands of political opponents were jailed without due process. This authoritarian move was a gross violation of constitutional principles, a move that still struggles to shake off from its reputation. And now, the same Congress dares to lecture the nation on protecting the Constitution?

The Party has also had a long history of tinkering with constitutional provisions to suit its political ends. From altering laws to suppress dissent to abusing central powers to dismiss state governments elected by the people, the party has continually undermined the democratic framework. Instances like the dismissal of the Communist government in Kerala in 1959, misuse of Article 356 to impose President’s Rule in various states, and the frequent imposition of central rule whenever convenient to their agenda showcase how they viewed the Constitution as a mere tool for maintaining power.

Congress’s Disregard for the Constitution A History of Abuse - Nishant Verma

A Desperate Attempt to Undermine the Government

The timing of this so-called Constitution Protection campaign cannot be overlooked. With elections on the horizon and a strong ruling government in place, Congress seems to be grasping at straws to regain its lost ground. Instead of presenting concrete policies or innovative ideas for the country’s development, it resorts to these symbolic and hollow gestures. The campaign is clearly not about protecting the Constitution but about attacking the current government under the garb of a noble cause.

This campaign seems like nothing more than a vehicle for them to falsely project itself as the guardian of democracy while portraying the ruling party as a threat to the nation’s constitutional values. The rhetoric they spew during this campaign aims to create an illusion that the current government is undermining the Constitution. Yet, where was this enthusiasm when them systematically eroded democratic institutions for decades while in power?

The irony is palpable—Congress accuses the current regime of constitutional violations but forgets its own extensive history of abusing power and stifling dissent. The attempt to position themselves as the righteous defenders of the Constitution now seems not just hypocritical but laughably disingenuous.

A Desperate Attempt to Undermine the Government - Nishant Verma

An Empty Campaign, Bereft of Substance

As with most of Congress’s recent initiatives, this campaign is heavy on theatrics but woefully light on substance. A genuine movement to protect the Constitution would involve concrete steps to strengthen democratic institutions, foster greater transparency, and promote dialogue across party lines. Instead, the Congress’s approach centers on dramatic speeches, orchestrated rallies, and a relentless focus on vilifying the current government.

Moreover, the Party penchant for playing the victim card while attempting to sow discord among the public is all too familiar. Rather than engaging in constructive debate or proposing viable alternatives, the party clings to outdated tactics of fear-mongering and divisiveness. It’s the same tired playbook: make noise, grab headlines, but deliver little of actual value.

This “100-day Samvidhan Raksha” campaign is simply the latest in a long line of hollow endeavors that ultimately serve no one but Party itself. It’s not about protecting the Constitution—it’s about protecting Congress from further political irrelevance.

The Real Protectors of the Constitution

If Congress truly cared about the Constitution, it would focus on supporting policies and reforms that align with the nation’s progress rather than constantly seeking to derail the efforts of the ruling government. The current government, despite facing continuous opposition from Congress, has taken bold steps in areas such as economic reform, national security, and social welfare—all while respecting the constitutional framework that they now claims is under threat.

It is under this government that democratic institutions have been reinvigorated, with an emphasis on transparency and accountability that was sorely lacking during Congress’s tenure. Whether through initiatives aimed at digitizing governance, strengthening federalism, or ensuring judicial independence, the ruling party has taken significant strides toward building a stronger, more resilient constitutional democracy. It is Congress that refuses to acknowledge these advancements, preferring instead to cling to its distorted narrative.

The Real Protectors of the Constitution - Nishant Verma

Conclusion: A Charade in the Name of the Constitution

The Congress party’s 100-day Samvidhan Raksha campaign is nothing more than a political charade, an attempt to distract the public from its own failures and misdeeds. For a party that has repeatedly violated the Constitution, to now claim the mantle of its protector is not only hypocritical but insulting to the intelligence of the Indian people.

Rather than indulging in these hollow political stunts, Congress should focus on real issues that concern the nation. Until then, their claims of protecting the Constitution will continue to ring hollow, and their attempts to undermine the current government will be seen for what they truly are: a desperate attempt to stay relevant in a political landscape that has moved on from their outdated brand of politics.

In the end, it’s not Congress that will protect the Constitution—it’s the people of India who will safeguard it from the very political forces that have trampled on it for decades.

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